Yesterday’s Kili-related adventure was all about packing. Well, actually it was about stuffing, cramming, opting, and hoping. I broke a nail, accidentally punched myself in the face, cut my finger opening a headlamp, and dropped a hiking boot on my toe.
All in all, I’d say it went about as well as I had planned.
I had to get all of this:

Into one big blue backpack, and one small yellow carry-on.
The first thing I did was find myself a toy, and then spent the next 20 minutes playing with it…
One Hat

Two Hat

Not a Hat

Pensive Hat

This thing is so cool! I can make like a bazgillion* different types of head coverings. I think I’m going to be wearing this thing a lot. Chris figures that even though it’s white right now, it’s going to come back looking a little worse for wear, and possibly have it’s own fungi penal colony going on. Whatever. I think it’s cool!
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway… I did my best to sort through my piles of STUFF, and Chris was very helpful when it came to my deciding what to bring and what to leave at home. Without him, I would have packed far too many clothes, way too many unnecessary supplies, and one too many of my dogs. Thanks Chris!
So, after an hour or so, this is what was happening:

Leading me to finally complete the packing of my big blue backpack:

And my small yellow carry-on:

Now, most of that stuff is all in compression sacks that haven’t been compressed yet, so I actually have a decent amount of room. That means that I can bring back souvenirs for the people I love! For my mom, for my dad, for my brothers, for my man… and of course something for me! This is going to be great!
I sure hope I don’t forget anything.
Actually, that’s not true. With any luck, I’ll totally forget to pack my Therma Rest. That thing freakin’ SUCKS.

And so… that’s one less pre-adventure adventure. Today I venture to… THE BANK. (Insert ominous music here). Yes, I need to get some US traveler’s cheques for the trip, and a few Euros to tide me over for my extendo-stay at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam (6-hour layover on the way there, 10-hour layover on the way back – I’m going to need to buy a lot of booze for that).
Until tomorrow, my happy readers! xo
*Bazgillion may or may not be a real number