Posts Tagged ‘Raffle Draw’

Posts Tagged ‘Raffle Draw’

Checklist for Tonight…

6.05.2010 | Comments Off on Checklist for Tonight…

Posters? Check.

Raffle prizes? Check.

Raffle tickets? Check.

Beer? Check.

Wine? Check?

Snacks? Check.

Decorations? Check.

Slideshow? Check.

Drummer? Check.

DJ? Check.

Nerves? Check.

Anxiety? Check.

Fear? Check.

Hope? Check.




5.29.2010 | Comments Off on ROAD TRIP!!

Only one week to go until the Kili Gala!

And then the real worrying begins…

I’ve been fretting and stressing about this Kili Gala since I first decided to actually throw it. I’m anxious, I’m nervous, my face has broken out, I’m jittery, on-edge, and concerned. As has been well documented here, I am NOT an event planner by any stretch of the imagination. It freaks me out! So, as I plan this mondo gala, I’m throwing all my fears and anxieties into it with full force.

How very, very convenient.

Anyone else out there know exactly what’s going to happen as soon as the Gala is over?

That’s right, I’ll be able to focus my energy on stressing about the actual climb. Until now, I’ve been able to hide behind the Kili Gala in order to avoid thinking about the actual climbing of Mt. Kilimanjaro. But once the music stops, the hall is cleaned up, and the happy raffle draw winners have danced home… well… it’s just me, the mountain and my brain.

It’s not going to be pretty.

SO! Until then, let me keep amusing you with tales of woe and strife surrounding this most epic of fundraising events – the Kili Gala. And since I haven’t revealed a raffle prize in a while, I think I’ll toss a whopper your way today…

Big Sky Golf and Country Club in Pemberton, BC has kindly, generously, fabulously donated a round of golf for two to the Kili Gala Raffle Draw. Let’s see, what does Golf Digest say about Big Sky… “4 1/2 stars!”  and… “One of the Top Ten courses in Canada!”. NICE! What about Fairways an Greens Magazine? …”Top 5 in the west (in North America)“. Not too shabby there, either! “BC Facility of the Year” says the BCPGA

You getting the picture here? This course kicks serious butt. Wow. What a prize! I mean, it doesn’t get any better than th… what’s that? It DOES get better?!

That’s right, as a way to make this raffle draw prize stuffed incredibly full of awesome-o-rama chunks, The Pemberton Valley Lodge has stepped in and donated one free night’s stay at their beautiful resort to go along with the golf pass at Big Sky.

This raffle prize alone is worth approximately $400*, and you could have it for the price of admission and ONE raffle ticket: $22.  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? (of course, buying just ONE raffle ticket for this seems sort of silly, doesn’t it?)

Come on out to The Kili Gala and throw a handful of raffle tickets into the box for the Big Sky/Pemberton Lodge prize. Maybe it’s something you want to win for yourself, maybe it’s something you’d love to be able to give to a spouse/friend/parent/employee of the month… whatever! It’s all yours, baby!

Can’t wait to see you there!  xo

*Just a wee reminder (that I’m sure you wise, intelligent, common-sense-filled people know): NONE of the raffle draw prizes at the Kili Gala can be redeemed for cash, mkay?


Gala Galore-a

5.19.2010 | 3 Comments

So, Ali and I were sitting around the other day putting together packages of Raffle Prizes for the Kili Gala. There has been an incredible amount of items donated from businesses local and beyond. After all was said and done, Ali and I were able to combine some great things and created a total of 28 different raffle prizes to be won. The  best part was naming them all…

The Fit For a Bit package (A gift basket from Parsley Sage & Thyme – with cleanse kit, and a personal training session with Cara!)

The Leave Me Alone package (a lovely basket of all things girly and bathtime-esque, complete with a bottle of wine!)

The Wakey-Wakey package (a pound of Hazelmere coffee and a month of Bootcamp!)

The Boys Night Out package (4 Whitecaps Soccer tickets AND a $25 gift certificate to The Landing!)

We’re having way too much fun now!

So today I am off to apply for the temporary liquor license, and I’ll probably be picking up some beer and wine, as well. I had a VERY generous donation of 4 dozen Granville Island beer, so that really helps to keep costs down AND appease the beer-snob masses.

I need to make a Costco run at some point, too. We can’t have a Gala without snacks now, can we?! Mmmm… snaaaaacks.

Drinking, dancing, snacking! Raffle prizes and a 50/50 draw! Entertainment-laden fundraising at its best, and all in the heart of little ol’ Ladner!  Wheee!

SO. Get your friends, your dancing shoes, your twoonies, and your designated drivers ready, because in 17 days, we’ve got a party going on!!


Waxing Philiosophic.

5.16.2010 | 1 Comment

Before I start today’s blog, I just want to point out to the entire world that Tyler Garnham admitted to me that he drank a few bottles of Bud Light beer last summer. Not only that, it was Bud Light LIME. Seriously. Yah, I know. My respect for him as a total Beer Snob just dropped considerably, too. It hurts when your world crashes down like that, doesn’t it? Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, marrying for money, Tyler being a beer snob… its all just crumbled away. My god. What is there to believe in anymore?


The other day my dad brought me an article from the Financial Post section of The Vancouver Sun newspaper. Now, it wasn’t the entire article that caught his eye, it was merely two paragraphs (which is good, because the rest of that article was booooooring!). And so what did those two paragraphs say that made my dad think of me?

Three years ago, at age 54, Palmer climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for Cerebral Palsy. His story began in a conventional way, as he urged entrepreneurs to: achieve clarity in their mission, set lofty goals, and prepare (he walked 32 kilometers a week for a year).

But when he neared the top of the 5,790 metre mountain, as the thin air tore his lungs and he could barely lift his feet, Palmer learned the true secret of success. Many factors kept him going: knowing he had come so far; the faith of 200 sponsors for his cause, and the anticipation of a breathtaking sunrise at the top. As his African guide told him later, “it’s not the strongest people who make it to the top of Kilimanjaro, but the ones with the best attitude.”

That got me.

For some reason, after reading that short recap, I felt as though I’d been hit by a truck. It was just very honest, and very real. It made total sense. So much of what we achieve is only achievable because we simply believe it’s achievable. That’s why I decided to make my fund raising goal $10,000 – because I believe that it can happen. I believe that this community can raise that money for The Delta Hospice Society. I believe that there are good people in this community, and across the globe (I’ve had donations come in from 5 different countries!), and that together we can make this happen. I believe it.

Don’t you?

Speaking of fund raising…

So, what’s on deck for the Kili Gala Raffle Prize Reveal today? Something quite unique. Something quite… well, revealing, really.

Let’s talk Sugar Box, baby! Jane Brookes is a perfectionist. Jane Brookes believes that women should feel as beautiful as they truly are. And with that, Jane Brookes decided to go into business as a ‘Waxing Specialist’. Jane believes that there are two places on a woman’s body that should always be immaculately groomed: the eyebrows and the… well… the Sugar Box. So she opened a waxing studio specifically catering to those two body parts. This may seem strange to some, but I can assure you, Jane tapped into an absolutely perfect market. She’s a genius.

I have been going to see Jane at Sugar Box for over 4 years now. Her studio on Homer St is my place of choice (she also has a studio on Commercial Drive and a new one on Main St, as well), as it is the ultimate in feminine awesomeness. Pink, but not ultra-freaky-girly, it’s decorated with taste and honesty, and comes complete with a fantastic chandelier. Jane knows exactly what she’s doing when it comes to everything she touches (pun intended). I love her. Everyone loves her!

Jane chats throughout the service you receive, and in all honesty, it’s over before you know it! And the weirdest part is that you almost wish it took longer! Aside from her immaculate hygienic practice (gloves, never re-using the wax sticks), she’s very… ummm… thorough, and not the least bit shy. Jane is a genuinely warm, welcoming, purely phenomenal gal. She’s beautiful, too (and married – sorry boys!), and always has the best things to chat about! And after it’s all said and done… she gives you a lollipop. Everyone loves Sugarbox!!

Jane has graciously, generously, incredibly donated a $100 gift certificate for services at Sugarbox. That’s enough to get a Brazilian AND rhinestones!! Oh, yes… rhinestones. Trust me on this one, ok?

But what about the guys? Sure this raffle prize is all well and good for a woman to win, but isn’t it discriminatory against men?

…I haven’t told you about Jane’s newest enterprise: Toolbox.

June 5th, come on out to The Kili Gala at the Ladner Community Centre. Think about it: if I’m advertising a prize like this, imagine how nutty the party is going to be.




The Dusk of a New Age

5.14.2010 | 3 Comments

Today is the last day that I will be 33 years old. When I turn 34, that means that I will have only 89 days before I fly to Africa.

That scares the crap out of me, man.

I bought a Lonely Planet East Africa guide yesterday. I balked at the $41 price tag, but about 5 minutes after I started reading it, I realized that it was pretty much priceless. I have to get from Kigali, Rwanda to Kilimanjaro, and figured out that I can either fly there for about $75, or I can take a bus for about $10. Obviously the frugal part of me knows that the bus is the better choice. But then I started to think about it… do I really want to take a bus through Rwanda? No offense, but no. No, I don’t.

I’d like to see Africa yes, but I don’t want it to be the last thing I see, you know? Maybe I’m overreacting. I’m not sure. I really have no idea what to expect. I’m the type of person that likes to be organized and have things planned out well in advance. I can’t do that with this trip, and this is the trip that I would like to have planned out as far in advance as possible.

But… what will be will be. Maybe in my old age I’m learning to just let go of things and ‘take it as it comes’. If that’s what 34 is all about, then I welcome it!


Today’s Kili Gala Raffle Draw prize comes courtesy of Local Awesome Guy Tyler Garnham. When I was in 5th grade, my family moved to a new home in Ladner, and it just happened to be next door to where Tyler’s family lived. Being about 5 years older than I am, Tyler was ‘That Cute Boy‘ that lived on my street back then, and he was most assuredly the reason why I had so many girlfriends that wanted to play at my house.

In high school, Tyler was one of those Nice Guys that said hello to everyone, even to the 8th grade dorky chick with the mullet that lived next door to him. He could very well have been like those jean-jacket-wearing, puffy-haired weenies that liked to walk into mulleted waifs like me, but he wasn’t. Thanks Tyler!

I remember thinking that Tyler was really, like, you know, cool n’ stuff because he was like, you know, super like, talented n’ stuff when it came to like, arts n’ graphics n’ stuff. I also thought that he was probably pretty awesome because he got to hang out with Mr. Pelletier a lot. And THAT GUY was cool. Way cooler than Mr. Moorehead… but maybe not as hot. Ohhhhh man, Mr. Moorehead was really attractive! I mean, all of us girls would just pray that we got him as a teacher, and he was the only reason why we all looked forward to receiving our class schedules in August. Yah, he was pretty dreamy…

Wait. Where was I going with this?

RIGHT! Tyler… ok, so turns out that Tyler is uber-talented! I mean, sure we all saw that coming, but it’s great to see that he’s been able to make a living off of it. See? Nice guys DO finish first.

Tyler has donated a phenomenal photograph to the Raffle Draw. This is so totally, like, rad isn’t it!? Yah, I know! The Kili Gala now offers you an opportunity to have a Tyler Garnham photo in your home. No, not a photo OF Tyler Garnham, a photo BY Tyler Garnham. Settle down, ladies.

So, come on out to The Kili Gala on June 5th, and throw your raffle ticket(s) in for this truly awesome prize.  You’re going to be so glad that you did.


What a Wonderful Woooooorld…

5.12.2010 | 2 Comments

What a world we live in! In the past week I have had an email from my friend who is traveling in Chile, an email from my brother who is wandering around Nepal with his lovely girlfriend, and this morning I received a phone call from my pilot friend who was walking around Hong Kong between flights.

Ducklings happily invaded the Delta Hospice, a friend of mine found a nest of baby bunnies in her yard (thankfully before the dogs did!), and HER friend watched as a baby cow fell off the back of a truck at a stop light (he’s ok!).

You just never know what to expect from day to day, do you? Thankfully, I am now fully prepared to capture whatever life throws my way – everyone, meet Gary.

That’s right, Gary is my new Handycam! As many of you already know, the Nikon D40 met with its sad fate while I was hiking up The Stawamus Chief trail. I knew I had to replace my camera, but wanted something different this time. I have a good point-and-shoot, so since Ali and I figured that we needed to do ‘video diaries’ while on Kili, a Handycam was the way to go.

Why is it named Gary? I have no idea. It just is.

So anyway, now I am going to spend the next 15 years trying to figure out how to use the thing. I am not what one would describe as ‘tech savvy’, and can become easily confused when I attempt to use my blender. And NO, my blender does not have a name. That would just be silly, now wouldn’t it? Sheesh… what kind of weirdo do you think I am!?

And so, with that fabulous news, I bring you ANOTHER Kili Gala Raffle prize that will be available to win at the June 5th Kili Gala… The Kili Gala is the fund raiser that Ali and I are throwing at the Ladner Community Centre on the evening of June 5th. We’re going to have drinks and dancing and a fab raffle draw in an attempt get closer to our goals of raising $10,000 for our respective charities (mine is The Delta Hospice Society, and Alison is raising funds and awareness for the Heart & Stroke Foundation). Tickets are only $20, and 100% of net proceeds will be going to charity, as Ali and I are paying for our Kili trip out of our own pocket. SO COME ON OUT!

Sami Christanson is an incredibly talented artist and designer. I met her a few years ago when I saw her work displayed at the Ladner Sunday Market. I loved her style and wondered if she would be able to paint a portrait of my dog Jake, who had recently passed away. She did. Incredibly well. So well in fact, that I cried and cried and cried when I saw the painting for the first time. She captured him perfectly. And so the next year I asked her to paint a portrait of Luna… AMAZING. Now, keep in mind, Sami is only 21 years old. Can you believe that?! All that talent stuffed into such a young person. She’s just going to get better and better…

Aside from being talented and just totally awesome, Sami is also very generous. She has donated TWO paintings to the Kili Gala Raffle Draw! So, on June 5th, you have an opportunity to get an original Sami Christianson piece of artwork. Seriously… this chick is going places. I just know it. Your grandkids are going to sell her paintings to an art dealer in 20 years and make a bajillion dollars. Mark my words, Sami is going places…


Short attention Sp- oooooh… kittens!

5.10.2010 | 3 Comments

I’ve come to realize of late that I have a rather limited attention span. I’ll get these great ideas, stick with them for a week or so, then get really bored and walk away. I’m essentially a toddler in my spare time.

I’m going to move to the UK! YAY!

*looks up info, does research, has conference call with potential employer in Wales, gets everything ready to go*


I’m going to take martial arts! YAY!

*Researches which discipline I’d like to practice, scouts out the nearest facility, pays for a month’s worth of classes, attends two weeks of said class*


I’m going to take up oil painting! YAY!

*Buys paints, buys canvas, buys brushes, buys small easel, paints 127 paintings in 3 days*


So, there it is. I’ll admit it – I’m flaky. I get an idea, try it out, then ditch it. It’s like having one-night-stands, but with leisure activities. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll call… you know I respect you…”

But then here’s the thing: I CAN’T DITCH KILI! (Not that I want to!) It’s just that… well… I’ve always had to have an ‘escape route’, you know? For example, I have to drive to parties by myself so that I can leave when I want to. I have to be able to get out of any situation at any time, or I feel trapped and anxious. Sometimes I get freaked out at the start of yoga class because I know once that door is locked, I’m in there for that hour and a half, no matter what!  But this Kili thing – I can’t shake it! There’s no escape. There’s no leaving early. There’s no subbing in some other poor sap to climb for me. It’s all ME.

I get on the plane

I get to the mountain.

I summit.

It scares the living daylights out of me. There’s no escape.

You know, I should probably stop reading Papillon right about now. I have *got* to stop reading non-fiction!

Anyway,  let me take a moment to divert my attention and reveal the next Kili Gala Raffle Prize that will be available to win on June 5th at the big ‘ol fund raiser I’m doing for the Delta Hospice Society…

Ahhhhhhhh, perfection. What other name have thee? Oh sweet, sweet perfection, I know you thus: La Belle Auberge. Yes, that’s right, Bruno and Tobias have donated a $50 gift certificate to the best restaurant in the entire universe*.

So, if you’ve got a special occasion coming up, or if you just want to treat yourself and/or a loved one to a wonderful evening out, drop your raffle tickets in for the gift certificate to La Belle Auberge. I promise I won’t touch them. I won’t throw your raffle tickets away and keep only mine in the box… maybe… ok, ok, I’ll try.

…sort of.

*Yes, it IS the best restaurant in the entire universe.


My Knees are My Friends

5.09.2010 | 1 Comment

First and foremost: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!  xo

I love you, mom!


Yesterday I had a scary thing happen. No, it wasn’t when I updated my iTunes and it promptly deleted my entire music library, although that too was scary. Although that was pretty gut-dropping-‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!‘-type scary, though…

Yesterday I was walking the dogs in the park, and having a fun ol’ time, when out of nowhere an uber-exctited dog came running up to play. This is not a problem, as the more the merrier, really. As the dogs were all running around in circles and acting like idiots (as dogs do so very, very well), the new uber-excited dog wasn’t looking where he was going, and ran right into me. He was going at top dog-speed and slammed right into my knees.

Now unfortunately for me, I wasn’t paying attention, and to make things worse, he hit me from the FRONT. My knees hyper-extended BACKWARD, and I fell to the ground with a stomach-lurching, nausea-inducing pain.

I was fine after a few minutes, but it got me thinking: what if I hurt myself before I get to even GO to Kilimanjaro? What if I’m hiking and I trip and sprain an ankle? What if I fall into some random cactus garden, and get infections from the bajillion little pokey-spikey things that jab into me? What if my toes explode off for no apparent reason? These are all valid concerns!

The really freaky thing is that I haven’t ever broken any major bone in my body, and I fear that the Law of Averages is catching up. I’m going to have to be very careful. Maybe I can make a deal with The Gods of Unbroken Bones…

Dear handsome, intelligent, all-knowing, fantastic Gods who are really, really cool,

Please don’t let me hurt myself before I go to Africa. I have a mountain to climb, and it would really suck if I hurt myself before I went. You can have me fall down a flight of stairs as soon as I get home in September if you like, just please, PLEASE let me make it to Kilimanjaro unscathed.

Thank you,


Hope that works.

And now, for the Kili Gala Raffle Prize reveal of the day: In honour of Mother’s Day, I happily tell you about this prize that is available to be won at the June 5th Kili Gala fundraiser for Delta Hospice*.

Bobs & Lolo are a super cute singing/dancing duo ‘who are dedicated to connecting kids to the natural world with music, movement and make-believe. Sharing musical stories that engage, inspire and educate, they teach kids to care about themselves, their neighbours and the planet’. They have graciously donated a wonderful DVD and CD set to the Kili Gala, and we have taken the opportunity to pair it with a $40 gift certificate to Buttercups Childrens’ Boutique in Ladner. This is a GREAT raffle prize for the mom who needs to get out and go shopping after getting a kids’ song stuck in her head at breakfast.

Best of luck at the Kili Gala Raffle Draw, and remember: I love you…

*To purchase tickets to the Kili Gala, just contact me through this site or go see Michael at Open Space Yoga, or Wade at Evolutions Hair Design!


Rly? Ya Rly!

5.08.2010 | 2 Comments

As a way to relax after a long week, I booked myself an appointment for a massage with Laura at Better Still Day Spa. Best. Idea. EVER. I am SO relaxed. Laura really is fantastic… I can’t wait to go back. I need a pedicure in the worst way.

Ali and I received confirmation yesterday from our Professional Mountain guide that he’s on board to drag our butts up Kili. Ok, maybe he didn’t say that exactly. However, he *did* tell us to go hike The Chief and The Grouse Grind more often. I think he’s spying on us somehow. Thankfully he didn’t mention anything about our post-hike snacks.


It’s ok Mr. Kili Guide, we’re going to be in GREAT shape when we get there, we promise!!


Speaking of being in shape, how about I reveal yet another raffle draw prize that will be available at The Kili Gala on June 5th?

Quick recap for those of you just joining us: Kili Gala on June 5th at the Ladner Community Centre (where the evil wonderful outdoor pool is) – a fundraiser benefiting the Delta Hospice Society and the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased by contacting me through this site, or you can go to Open Space Yoga or Evolutions Hair Salon and purchase them there (cash or cheque only, please)… DJ, dancing, snacks, drinks, entertainment and a FABTASTICOUS raffle draw!!  100% of net proceeds go to charity, so come on out and have a great time for a great cause!

Ok… here we go…

The Kili Gala raffle draw will have three gift certificates from my FRIKKEN RAD personal trainer Cara Thien!


Yah, you heard me… THREE.



No, really?


Cara is a dedicated, passionate and skilled trainer who knows exactly how to get you looking your best. She has her own in-home studio in Tsawwassen where she holds group training classes, does one-to-one personal training, and she also creates meal plans, on request, for clients that want to look and feel their best. She’s the greatest. I mean it.

The gift certificates that she’s donating are worth over $300, and even if you DID have to pay that amount, it’s totally worth it. But hey, lucky for you, these prizes can be yours if your $2 raffle ticket gets pulled at the Kili Gala.

You want to get in shape for the summer?  This is your chance. Come to the Kili Gala on June 5th, and throw some raffle tickets into the draw for this really, really, really… ummmm… really, really smashtastic prize.


(I totally love this photo of Cara, don’t you??)


Here’s the Rub…

5.07.2010 | Comments Off on Here’s the Rub…

Last night I went to my first ‘Slow Flow’ yoga class at Open Space. I usually practice the more physically demanding Hatha Yoga, but my hips just can’t take it. Michael suggested Slow Flow instead, and man, was it great.

Speaking of hips, Michael suggesting stuff, and greatness…

I had my first appointment with Physio Flo yesterday morning! Florence MacDonald-Bain of Tsawwassen Sports and Orthopedic Physiotherapy (on 12th Ave) is pretty much the raddest physiotherapist on the entire planet. I think. I mean, I haven’t been to Uruguay, so maybe there’s someone there that’s better, but I doubt it. She has some sort of freaky physiointuition thing going on, and  can somehow figure out exactly where to jab her thumb, or apply pressure. Next time I go there, I’m going to bring her a cape. She totally deserves one – she’s the Super Hero of the Physiotherapy World. I’m seeing her next week, and I’m looking forward to it… that’s weird, isn’t it?


Last night at yoga, a lovely woman came running up to me and said, “I saw your friend today!!”

Now normally I would be confused as to who she was talking about, but given that I have had someone else say THE EXACT SAME THING to me this week, I knew who she was talking about: one of my fabulous sponsors – Laura at Better Still Day Spa.

Turns out that people are flocking to Laura’s Day Spa in Ladner, and are leaving there feeling pretty darn fantastic. I love to hear that! I’m a big proponent of people feeling relaxed and less stressed, and I really do think Laura has the best place going for that. AND in all of Laura’s awesomeness, she has made a commitment to donate all of her tips for the month of May to the Delta Hospice Society! THANK YOU, LAURA!!

This woman who approached me at yoga last night has been going through some stressful times of late, and a lot of that is related to one of her family members being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Of course I suggested she go to Hospice, but she was way ahead of me! She was already planning on going there. It’s wonderful to be able to have somewhere to refer people to when they are going through some of the most difficult times in their lives. Hospice just has so much to offer, from counseling to literature, from relaxation groups to a wonderful library… AND they have bunnies!

So, in honour of the lovely woman I met at yoga last night, I will now reveal the next Raffle Prize that will be available to win at the Kili Gala on June 5th – this is going to be a very, VERY cool fundraiser, you know. 100% of net proceeds are going to charity, so feel secure in the knowledge that your money is going to a very good cause. Contact me for tickets!

The next Raffle Prize is yet ANOTHER that I want to win. But since I can’t, I’m leaving it up to you to take this one home: Laura at Better Still Day Spa has donated A YEAR’S WORTH of thirty-minute massages. Oh yes, you read that right. 12 massages are on the table (pun totally intended) at the Kili Gala courtesy of the best massage artist I know. This is a prize worth nearly $500… and Laura DONATED it! Seriously, NOW can you see why I’ve been so touched (pun sort of intended) by the generosity of the people in this community??

So, if YOU want to win a year’s worth of massages, I highly recommend making your way to the Kili Gala on June 5th. Donate to charity, and get massages. Not a bad deal, eh?



Pain for Me, Prizes for You

5.06.2010 | 2 Comments

The good thing about this blog is that I’m not expected to write about last night’s hockey game.  So… I won’t.

The other day Michael was chatting with me about his new physiotherapist. He said that she was really quite an incredible body worker, and perhaps maybe she could be of assistance to me regarding my wonky hips. He told me that she’s got a mondo waitlist, so I should call ASAP to at least get my name in. I’ll probably be waiting a very long time to see her, but that’s ok – at least I’ll get in at some point, right?

So this morning I have an appointment with Michael’s physiotherapist…

And now I bring you Kili Gala Raffle Prize #2…  To recap, I am going to reveal one Kili Gala Raffle Prize a day until the actual Kili Gala on June 5th. The Kili Gala, of coyrse, is the mondo fundraising party that we’re throwing to benefit the Delta Hospice Society. Want tickets? Drop me a line at [email protected], or simply contact me through this site…

Kaymaran Adenture Tours is owned and operated by a very great dog named Brodie. He is instrumental in keeping our harbour safe from the evil sticks that float in the river. He bravely jumps in the water and soundly defeats those floating menaces with bravery and skill. And sharp teeth.

I spoke with Brodie about my upcoming Kili Gala fundraiser, and he was keen to help. Right away he told me to contact his best friend Tony, who does all the things at Kaymaran that require the use of an opposable thumb.

Brodie had Tony write out a gift certificate for a free Guided Kayak Tour. I mean seriously – isn’t that totally AWESOME!? Yah, I KNOW! Totally awesome. I wasn’t expecting Brodie to be so generous, but I am so thrilled that he so readily gave such support. GOOD DOG!

So, when you win this Raffle Prize at the Kili Gala on June 5th, make sure you bring a little something with you to thank Brodie, ok? OK!
