Got Math?
5.23.2010 | 1 Comment
Ok, let’s see here…
*grabs calculator*
If the length of the ogling swimming pool is 25 metres, and Kili is 19, 340 feet…
*tappity tap tap*
… that means that Kili is 5895 metres, and so that’s going to be…
*tappity tap tap tap*
236 lengths of the pool… which divided by 2 is…
*tap tap*
188 LAPS of the pool.
SO! If it takes me about 60 seconds to do one lap of the pool, then all I need to do to simulate the amount of energy it will take to climb Kili is…
*tappity tap tap tap tap*
…swim for two solid hours.
Not a problem.
Now, where is my flowered swim cap and matching oxygen tank?