To the Roof of Africa; I'm Totally Going to Cry
My name is Robyn Thomson, and I am going to climb the world's tallest free-standing equatorial mountain. By choice. Seriously. No, really. I am a girl. A girly-girl. I am... Read More
5.03.2010 | My Blog, Uncategorized
I’m not ready for this week.
I’m not ready for today, even.
I need a break.
Tea of clarity?!?! I’ve got a few buckets of it in the freezer. You are welcome. 🙂
Hahaha – nice! Maybe I should have had some yesterday, you’re right.
Tea of clarity?!?! I’ve got a few buckets of it in the freezer. You are welcome. 🙂
Hahaha – nice! Maybe I should have had some yesterday, you’re right.