4.05.2010 | My Blog, Uncategorized
It was certainly a successful Easter dinner! Usually, I tend to over-eat and gorge on all the wrong things, but this year I did very well for myself. No sore tummy and gastronomically-induced groaning, no Tums chasers, no multiple-dessert regrets. I ate a reasonable amount of dinner – weird!
The fact of the matter is – well, I was simply too exhausted to eat a truck load of food. Getting up for seconds wasn’t even a possibility, considering that I was struggling with the simple act of bringing a forkfull of tasty goodness to face level.
I think I need to go to the doctor.
Odd that the reason to see my GP is because I *don’t* have a visibly larger stomach the day after Easter dinner.
“So, what brings you in today, Robyn?”
“I wasn’t a glutton at Easter”
“MY GOD WOMAN! Call an ambulance! You’re SICK!”
I can’t believe I have to wait until Thanksgiving now in order to eat myself into a coma. This sucks.
But for now… I’m going back to bed. G’night.