Kindness of Strangers
7.30.2010 | Comments Off on Kindness of Strangers
All it took was a small moment in time. One short minute-burst of thought, sent my way over the waves of the digital sky. From the keyboard straight to my heart.
Here are just a few of the emails that I have received from kind strangers, who took the time to send their wishes my way…
In a perfect world, I am able to climb mountains and share experiences for the most noble of causes….and may even look like you..or even be able to walk the walk…and spread the word from the highest peaks…however, aahhhh…not my reality…. BUT … I will support you and have already in so many ways….even though we do not know each other..I have posted your link to everyone I know and will get something going on my end. Please take good care of yourself and let me know what I can do to help…
I knew Kirk very well since he was a kid… I am so proud of you Robyn for turning a tragedy for Kirk’s family into a positive journey by undertaking this massive climb. Do me a favor please. When you get to the top of the mountain blow Kirk a kiss from all of us back home.
…But you girl, well you rock and with your humor well…let me just say, even when it’s tough Robyn think of us back here rooting you on. It’s not whether you get to the top that’s important, it’s the commitment you made to start a journey to help others. Whatta girl! …You have courage, spit and vinegar girlie girl.
Thank you.
Thank you all so very much for taking the time to write. It means a great deal to me to hear what you have to say. You honour me, and I thank you.