

Fear and Loathing (Stuart Smalley Style)

2.15.2010 | Comments Off on Fear and Loathing (Stuart Smalley Style)

So, after discussing it with a couple of people, I decided to take the plunge: I’ve made a Facebook page. I created the group (it has the same name as this blog), but it took me a good 10 minutes to click the “create group” button that would publish it to the world. I sat and stared at it, hoping that somehow another idea would magically present itself and save me from having to do this. Nothing came about, so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and published the page.

I was hesitant to do the Facebook group page because… well, I guess I felt like I didn’t want to hound people, or annoy them. With a blog, I can just passively type entries, and if people stumble upon it and read it, that’s great. But with Facebook, I am asking people to join… I’m asking my friends to give me money/support/time/gifts… I hate that. I feel greedy. I feel embarassed. I feel shy. I guess I don’t want to ever make people feel obligated.

When it comes to fund raising, I’m too apologetic, and not nearly assertive enough. I’m far too passive. I’m the Bambi of Asking for Spare Change.

“You know, maybe if you want to think about possibly donating (only a dollar will be fine!), I would be really grateful for your kindness and generosity. I’m so sorry to have to ask, but.. you know what? 50 cents will do. If you want. I mean, no pressure. I’m sorry. Here… have a dollar. You can donate that. You know, if you want to.”

Part of me is grateful for the Olympics being in town, because it allows me to procrastinate on my fund raising, as I can simply think that people are too busy with other Olympic-related thoughts to give any time to my cause. Come March, I’m going to get very, very nervous.

I have two weeks to get geared up. Two weeks to perfect my spiel. Two weeks to create the best posters and flyers known to all mankind! Two weeks to learn to trust that I am not, in fact, an annoying freakshow, drooling for money. I am a local girl with a good heart and positive ideas. Every cent I raise goes to The Delta Hospice Society. If I just keep those two thoughts in my head, everything will be just fine.

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!”


LBA and the VMs

1.28.2010 | Comments Off on LBA and the VMs

This morning I went to the Ladner Legion.

Not exactly a place I’d normally find myself at 8am on a weekday (or any day, actually) but there I was. I was there to speak to the members of the Ladner Business Association (LBA)about my Kili climb, in the hopes that I could count on them to help raise awareness and/or funds to help me reach my goal of $10,000 for Delta Hospice.

They seemed like a nice group of people with good humour and an obvious camaraderie. I felt pretty comfortable there, and was looking forward to getting up and saying my bit. Thankfully I saw a familiar face when I walked in, as Michael from Open Space Yoga (my generous sponsor!) was there and invited me to sit at his table. Just before I was about to go up and speak, Michael asked if I was nervous. Actually, I wasn’t at all. I told Michael that since I’ve done the Vagina Monologues, I can pretty much do anything.

Ok, so maybe some of you don’t know that about me: for five years I acted in and/or co-directed The Vagina Monologues for charity. Each February/March Eve Ensler (the VM Author) allows the play to be performed without the users having to pay the copyright fee (it’s referred to as V-Day). However, the caveat is that all money raised through the production must go to local organizations helping to stop violence against women.

A worthy cause! So, given my penchant for quirky fundraising ideas, I thought it would be an interesting form of annual charity work. And so, since 2003, I have helped raise approximately $75,000 for local women’s charities in the Vancouver and Tri-Cities areas. I am extremely proud of that, and I love the fact that I was able to assist in raising that amount, while having fun at the same time!

So, the bar for my Kilimanjaro climb has been set high in my mind. My goal to raise $10,000 for Hospice will be acheived, that much I know. But hopefully with the help of the LBA, I can exceed that goal, and in the process invite an entire community to join me in having fun while doing so.

And I won’t even make any of you say the word “vagina”.


Eddie Money is Watching Me Drive

1.13.2010 | Comments Off on Eddie Money is Watching Me Drive

I love this community, really I do.

On my commute to work this morning, I was stopped at the intersection of Hwy 10 and Hwy 17, waiting for the light to turn. I knew the story of my climb came out in The Delta Optimist today, so I was even more chipper than usual, as I sat there happily singing along to Take me Home Tonight by Eddie Money (I’m an 80’s music addict, and I’m not ashamed to admit that).

I looked to my left and realized that the gentleman in the next car over was being thoroughly entertained by my enthusiastic lip-synching, and just as I was thinking how grateful I was that he couldn’t actually hear my singing voice, he raised up a copy of today’s Delta Optimist, pointed at it, and gave me a big ol’ thumbs up. It took me a minute to understand what the heck he was doing, but once I figured out that he recognized me from my (incredibly LARGE) photo in the newspaper, it totally made my day.

So, I just wanted to say HELLO! to all of you who are here for the first time today. Please feel free to stick around, read a few things, make some comments, and consider making a donation to Delta Hospice. It’s nice to have you along for the ride – I hope I can keep you entertained and inspired for the next seven months… thanks so much for your support!
