Who are you?
Robyn – lifelong Delta gal, and Amateur Adventuress
What are you doing?
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
To raise money for the Delta Hospice
Oh, I see! How can I donate?
Like this: Click riiiiiight HERE! Please make sure you specify that you are donating via the Kilimanjaro Climb so that we can keep track of the amount raised!
How much money will you give to Hospice?
Every cent I raise will go to the Delta Hospice.
Well, then who is paying for your Trip?
I am.
Good for you! But wait, aren’t you scared?
Absolutely, and without question.
What are you afraid of?
Are you SURE this is a good idea?
Ask me again in a month…
How tall is Mount Kilimanjaro, anyway?
19, 340ft -or- 5895m high
Because Delta Hospice is an incredible place, with a wonderful vision and amazing staff. I want to do my part to ensure that it stays in our Community for a long, long time. I can do that by helping to raise money for them.
Why don’t you just volunteer, then?
I do! And so can you! (http://www.deltahospice.org/)
Well maybe I just will!
And so you should. Thanks!
No problem. Hey, wait a minute! I was asking questions!
I’m still here.
If I don’t want to donate money, is there any other way I can help?
Absolutely!! I am looking for donations for an upcoming event, and could use all the help I can get in gathering a phenomenal array of fantastic items! Please let me know if you have something to donate.
How can I get a hold of you?
Feel free to drop me a line at Climbforhospice@gmail.com, or stop me in the supermarket. I’d love to hear from you! But please… be nice.
Speaking of being nice, I wrote you a snarky comment and it’s not in the comment section anymore. Did you delete it?
Yes. Yes, I did.
Because it was snarky, and probably hurt my feelings or was otherwise offensive.
Freedom of speech, man!
I’m climbing a mountain. I don’t have time for a political debate.
Alright, alright… so, one last time: how can I donate?
By going HERE, and again please make sure you specify that you are donating via the Kilimanjaro Climb so that we can keep track of the amount raised!