2.25.2010 | Cara Thien, Protein Bar Taste Test
So the other night I was feeling a little sin-snacky, and decided that the best course of action for me to take would be find the worst (best!) snack that I could find, in order to satisfy my
logic-defying craving. It was late at night, so I was hoping that a little trip into Ladner to purchase a very bad idea would go undetected.
And so, as I’m rooting around in the ice cream case at Johnny’s store (where, incidentally, they sell THE best flowers), trying to decide between the Haagen Dazs Chocolate Almond bar and the Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia bar, I hear a voice behind me say
“Heeeey, those aren’t Power Bars!”
I turn, and look into the face of a handsome gentleman who has totally caught me snarfing a fat-fest after reading my blog about taste-testing protein bars for my climb up Kilimanjaro.
Hey…energy is energy. Just make sure you have a good variety of energy.