The Protein Bar Taste Test Continues!

2.09.2010 | Protein Bar Taste Test

Brand: Clif
Flavour: Peanut Butter
Tag Line: “High in protein, 23 vitamins and minerals”
First Ingredient: Soy protein isolate

The best part about this protein bar was the fact that it tasted like I was straight-up eating a sin. This was a really good tasting treat, I must say! And hey, at 270 calories a bar, I can see why it was so good – I think it was made entirely out of butter and bacon fat, lovingly hand-crafted by chubby, winged angels who giggle a lot. I’ll be honest with you – this bar is out of contention because it is too good. Like a diet pill, or an honest politician, it was simply too good to be true. Sorry Clif.



[…] this bar, because I just didn’t want to eat it. And it didn’t taste “amazing” to me. The Clif Bar was amazing. The Power Bar was amazing. Weider’s Extreme Protein Bar was a huge disappointment. In […]