My Blog


8.10.2010 | Facts, Hikes, Ladner, Motivation, My Blog, The Team

I’m getting lots of emails and messages as Aug 12th comes ever nearer. It’s so frigging cool. People I know and love, people I’ve never met, people wishing me well, people asking me for advice, people telling me that I’m their “hero”. I never thought that this would happen.

I started this blog on January 1st as a way to invite people into my journey, and it has turned out far better than I could have thought. I get messages from all over the world! No kidding! I love it. LOVE IT! So, if you’re reading this, and haven’t ever written to me, please feel free to do so today. I’ve got a couple days on Canadian soil, and would love to have your messages in my heart when I trip the blue fantastic.

I’ve been getting requests about my itinerary, and so thought I’d repost it here today.

My climb starts on Aug 23rd, and we will be taking the Lemosho/Shira route that will take us eight days. I will summit on the 7th day (that’s right, I WILL SUMMIT), and then be back at the hotel for a final night on the 30th of August. It kinda’ goes like this…

Aug 23: Drive to Lemosho Glades and hike to Mti Mkubwa forest camp.
Aug 24: Hike to Shira One camp.
Aug 25: Hike to Shira Two camp.
Aug 26: Hike to Barranco camp.
Aug 27: Hike to Karanga Valley camp.
Aug 28: Hike to Barafu camp.
Aug 29: Hike to the summit and descend to Mweka or Millennium camp.
Aug 30: Complete the descent to Mweka gate and drive back to Marangu.

Shira 2 camp

So, please feel free to follow along. The time change is pretty big, so be prepared to do a little math if you want to know exactly where I am at what time. Ok, so it’s 10:03am on Tuesday, Aug 10th right now, and so that means that it’s 8:03pm on Tuesday, Aug 10th in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  Got it? I’ll be 10 hours ahead of you all in Ladner. On Summit Day, we are woken up at about midnight, then climb, climb, climb until we reach the peak at about 6am Tanzania time – that would be about 8pm Ladner time on the 28th.  So send your good vibes our way, ok? Thanks!

Now… onto my last To-Do list before I go…

Two more sleeps.





I just added a reminder to my Google Calendar for 7:30pm on Aug. 28th, so there is no way I’ll forget to be cheering you on. If you hear someone yelling Go! Go! Go! with strange synonyms for “vagina” from the top of the world, it’ll be me 🙂


I couldn’t ask for anything better, E! …including fish tacos. xo

Christy Thompson

Wow, I can’t believe you’re doing this. I had no idea, just caught a few words here and there on FB….you’re amazing! I have just sat here, remembering you from when you were just little … were spunky, energetic and crazy… obviously haven’t changed. I, along with my children, will follow your journey from here until you are home. We will send all positive thoughts and prayers your way. Enjoy, embrace, and come home safe! God Speed.
Christy and Family (nee Williams!)

Mary Ann Burrows

Good Luck Robyn We will be thinking about you – YOU CAN DO IT !!
Thank you so much for what you are doing for Hospice

Mary Ann Burrows


Thanks Christy! Thanks Mary Ann! Your support means more than you know.

Guess I’m still crazy, eh Christy? 😉

Michael Rudd

Well… you know you are my brave hero!!
I am SO excited for you on the fundraising and the adventure you are going on.
I love you tons and thank you for giving me a life this Summer.
x0x0x Michael


You are one awesome chick! I’ll be trying to do some Math to see what time you guys will summit in Singapore Time. (Hopefully my Math is NOT that rusty yet – at worst, there is always the interwebz right?)

Oh, and I’ll be yelling. And when I’m excited, I lose total control, including my ability to decide what dialect I’ll be yelling out in. So if it all sound obscene and mashed up and stuff, take a leap of faith. It’s good stuff. xo.


Love you, Michael! Thank you for being a mega-rad sponsor… you’re such a genuinely good person, and I’m so glad that I know you. Now, please take care of Chris when I’m gone! xo

Claudia, I will now forever think of you as obscene and mashed up. Yay! 🙂

[…] with the route that we were taking (Lemosho, remember?), we needed to start at the Londrossi Gate, which was a FIVE HOUR drive from the hotel. From there, […]