My Blog

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7.29.2010 | Ladner, My Blog

Last night I went to the Delta Chamber of Commerce to have a brief interview with the panel who will be choosing the Volunteer of the Year for the Hats Off to Excellence Awards. It was a nice little sit-down, we had a chat about various things, and it was all very comfortable.

We spoke about my being on the Delta Hospice Vigil Team, and what it’s like to sit with someone as their body prepares itself to leave this current world.

We talked about my Kilimanjaro climb, and why I’m doing it.

We talked about some of the risks involved in my doing this climb.

We talked about how much I really, really enjoy camping.

All in all it was a nice interview, and I hope I got across to them what my real goals and intentions are around this most amazing of adventures. They interviewed a whole boatload of people, and will now narrow the field down to three nominees.  Those three nominees will then be invited to attend a gala dinner in November – what an EXCELLENT excuse to buy new shoes!

However, they will be contacting those nominees in three weeks’ time. Right when I’ll be standing atop the World’s Highest Free-Standing, Snow-Covered, Equatorial Mountain.

And I’ll be singing.

Good luck to all the nominees! I’m thrilled to be in such fine, fine company.  xo




ROBYN FOR MAYOR!!! ROBYN FOR MAYOR!!! YAY!!! Oh, wait, it’s not Mayor, is it? Did I read that wrong? Volunteer of the year, that’s right! ROBYN FOR VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR!! TREVOR LINDEN FOR MAYOR!!! YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!


*dances in a circle*


Michael Rudd

Way to go Robyn – very deserving.. you will get it.


Thank you, Michael! I’m looking forward to sitting at your table at that gala. 😉 xo