Posts Tagged ‘Jane Brookes’

Posts Tagged ‘Jane Brookes’

Waxing Philiosophic.

5.16.2010 | 1 Comment

Before I start today’s blog, I just want to point out to the entire world that Tyler Garnham admitted to me that he drank a few bottles of Bud Light beer last summer. Not only that, it was Bud Light LIME. Seriously. Yah, I know. My respect for him as a total Beer Snob just dropped considerably, too. It hurts when your world crashes down like that, doesn’t it? Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, marrying for money, Tyler being a beer snob… its all just crumbled away. My god. What is there to believe in anymore?


The other day my dad brought me an article from the Financial Post section of The Vancouver Sun newspaper. Now, it wasn’t the entire article that caught his eye, it was merely two paragraphs (which is good, because the rest of that article was booooooring!). And so what did those two paragraphs say that made my dad think of me?

Three years ago, at age 54, Palmer climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for Cerebral Palsy. His story began in a conventional way, as he urged entrepreneurs to: achieve clarity in their mission, set lofty goals, and prepare (he walked 32 kilometers a week for a year).

But when he neared the top of the 5,790 metre mountain, as the thin air tore his lungs and he could barely lift his feet, Palmer learned the true secret of success. Many factors kept him going: knowing he had come so far; the faith of 200 sponsors for his cause, and the anticipation of a breathtaking sunrise at the top. As his African guide told him later, “it’s not the strongest people who make it to the top of Kilimanjaro, but the ones with the best attitude.”

That got me.

For some reason, after reading that short recap, I felt as though I’d been hit by a truck. It was just very honest, and very real. It made total sense. So much of what we achieve is only achievable because we simply believe it’s achievable. That’s why I decided to make my fund raising goal $10,000 – because I believe that it can happen. I believe that this community can raise that money for The Delta Hospice Society. I believe that there are good people in this community, and across the globe (I’ve had donations come in from 5 different countries!), and that together we can make this happen. I believe it.

Don’t you?

Speaking of fund raising…

So, what’s on deck for the Kili Gala Raffle Prize Reveal today? Something quite unique. Something quite… well, revealing, really.

Let’s talk Sugar Box, baby! Jane Brookes is a perfectionist. Jane Brookes believes that women should feel as beautiful as they truly are. And with that, Jane Brookes decided to go into business as a ‘Waxing Specialist’. Jane believes that there are two places on a woman’s body that should always be immaculately groomed: the eyebrows and the… well… the Sugar Box. So she opened a waxing studio specifically catering to those two body parts. This may seem strange to some, but I can assure you, Jane tapped into an absolutely perfect market. She’s a genius.

I have been going to see Jane at Sugar Box for over 4 years now. Her studio on Homer St is my place of choice (she also has a studio on Commercial Drive and a new one on Main St, as well), as it is the ultimate in feminine awesomeness. Pink, but not ultra-freaky-girly, it’s decorated with taste and honesty, and comes complete with a fantastic chandelier. Jane knows exactly what she’s doing when it comes to everything she touches (pun intended). I love her. Everyone loves her!

Jane chats throughout the service you receive, and in all honesty, it’s over before you know it! And the weirdest part is that you almost wish it took longer! Aside from her immaculate hygienic practice (gloves, never re-using the wax sticks), she’s very… ummm… thorough, and not the least bit shy. Jane is a genuinely warm, welcoming, purely phenomenal gal. She’s beautiful, too (and married – sorry boys!), and always has the best things to chat about! And after it’s all said and done… she gives you a lollipop. Everyone loves Sugarbox!!

Jane has graciously, generously, incredibly donated a $100 gift certificate for services at Sugarbox. That’s enough to get a Brazilian AND rhinestones!! Oh, yes… rhinestones. Trust me on this one, ok?

But what about the guys? Sure this raffle prize is all well and good for a woman to win, but isn’t it discriminatory against men?

…I haven’t told you about Jane’s newest enterprise: Toolbox.

June 5th, come on out to The Kili Gala at the Ladner Community Centre. Think about it: if I’m advertising a prize like this, imagine how nutty the party is going to be.


