A New Quest, and The Protein Bar Taste Test (x2)
1.29.2010 | 1 Comment
I am on a quest. An all-consuming quest. A quest with an important outcome. I… am searching for one of those over-sized novelty cheques so that I can cheesily present it to the Delta Hospice when I have reached my $10,000 mark. Where to find such a thing…
And while I search, I will leave you with:
THE PROTEIN BAR TASTE TEST – Part… 5? Where am I? I’ve eaten so many of these things that I think it’s effecting my brain…
Exhibit E- Sharkies!
Brand: Sharkies Organic Energy Sports Chews
Flavour: Fruit Splash (cherry blackberry tangerine lemon)
Tag Line: “Contains Organic Fruit Juice Concentrate”
First Ingredient: Organic rice syrup
Hee hee! Little lightly coloured squishy, chewy sharks! How fun! Aside from the yellow sharks (“lemon” apparently), they tasted pretty darn good. However, I would not recommend these little critters for people who have delicate dental work or insufficient dental coverage through their employer to reattach crowns. Did the wee sharkies give me energy? I have no idea. I ate an apple right after, and I was distracted by the fact that my toes were really, really cold. Note to self: Thigh-high black and red striped socks with purchased-on-ebay Prada runners do not create a comfortable layer of warmth to the feet.
Exhibit F – Bzzzzzzzz *gag*
Brand: Bumble Bar
Flavour: Chocolate Crisp
Tag Line: “Organic Energy”
First Ingredient: Organic sesame seeds
I’m just going to come right out and say it: this bar was so bad, that it actually made me laugh. I bit into it, chewed a couple of times, then started laughing. I cannot describe the taste any better than: a thin slice of seedy, wussy Baker’s chocolate. The best thing about this bar was the fact that because I was so desperate to get the taste out of my mouth, I was very well hydrated in a matter of minutes. Bumble Bar = Bumble Bad.