My Blog

*sneeert* ugh… *snurfle*… Blargh.

3.29.2010 | Hikes, My Blog

I’m not feeling super fab today, so this blog post will be a short one. I need to go to bed. Ugh.

Sometimes I get the urge to just get in my car and go for a drive. One of my favourite things is to rock some snacks and a swack of water, and just go for a long, winding drive up the Sea-to-Sky highway. There’s something so fantastically rewarding about driving from Delta to Whistler to fuel up my car.

I decided to go for a drive this past weekend, and as I drove through Squamish, I looked up at The Chief and realized… well, I’d realized that I’d forgotten about The Chief.

This weekend, Ali and I are going to hike The Chief. I’ll leave the climbing to the pros. I’ll just take a stroll up the back…

Time for sleep now – here’s to dreams of Squamish. xo


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