Oh Taste Test!
4.12.2010 | My Blog, Protein Bar Taste Test
Brand: Oh Yeah! (seriously)
Flavour: Chocolate and caramel (oh yeah!)
Tag Line: Rich in natural essential fats (ummm… this is a selling point?)
First Ingredient: Peanuts
Although I laughed at the name of this bar (and I’ll be honest, the silliness of the name nearly made me resist purchasing it), the picture on the wrapper was a very good selling point. It shows this bar looking EXACTLY like an Oh Henry! chocolate bar. No kidding. However, upon opening the wrapper, I saw that the Oh Yeah! bar looks… EXACTLY like an Oh Henry! chocolate bar. And the taste? Like the morning after Halloween, when you sneak in a bite-sized candy bar before breakfast – so wonderfully wicked. Woo hoo! Trademark infringement never tasted so good!
But, I wonder… how similar are the Brothers Oh! ? Let’s find out!
Oh Yeah! Oh Henry!
Weight: 3oz (85g) 2oz (57g)
Calories 380 263
Sugars 8g 26.3g
Total Fat 19g 13.1g
Sodium 130mg 110mg
Total Carbs 31g 37.3g
Cholesterol 5mg 4mg
Protein 26g 4.4g
Huh. Aside from the sugar content, it’s essentially the same bar, isn’t it? Oh BOY! But really, that’s not a good thing, is it? Sadly, I’ll be leaving the Oh Yeah! Bar at Oh Base Camp! Now… after all that sugar, where did I put the celery?
Honestly.. I couldn’t tell which was the lesser evil 🙂