My Blog

Adventure Seeking 101

6.17.2010 | Motivation, My Blog

I’m not one to make New Year’s Resolutions, because I tend to break them by about 3pm on January 1st. All those years, all those broken promises to myself, over and over again. It’s really quite defeating. To try and atone, I even tried to make a resolution to break my resolution, but I just ended up getting all confused, and had to stop thinking before my brain reached critical mass.

I realized I was going about the whole ‘it’s a brand new year’ thing all wrong. It isn’t about making resolutions. I found that to me, it’s about making plans. So I started to label my years, and then worked each day to live up to the labels. Kind of like The Secret, but you know, not creepy.

2009’s label was “It’s all about me”, and it was absolutely true. I ended up taking that trip to Greece that my friend Bin and I had been planning for more than 20 years, I spent some time on stage again, and I focused on believing that I actually deserved good things, and those good things were even better when I created them myself.

2010 was dubbed “The Year of Adventure” – and my god, does it get any better than it has already? Mt. Kilimanjaro, hiking, kayaking, avoiding camping, changing tires, changing jobs, dating boys who at first glance would totally frighten my parents… it’s all been so incredibly awesome. So much so that I can’t wait for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

The biggest adventure of this year has been discovering how ok I am when things go completely sideways*. I could at one time expect to lose my mind over the simplest of things, (like changing the duvet cover), but this year I find a new sort of inner tranquility has allowed me to experience a peace in the midst of chaos. Everything is going to be alright.

And so, in 2010, I am constantly being reminded to seek the adventure in all things. Be it in climbing a 19,340 ft African peak, or in drunkenly baking a cake to look like a 19,340 ft African peak… from drinking tea atop Mt. Finlayson, to not running from the white Corporation of Delta van that pulled up to the park where I had my dogs running off leash… from laughing hysterically with Ali as we change a tire in the middle of nowhere, to staying present in Savasana at Open Space.

There is adventure in all things. I just didn’t know how to look for it before. And now that I’ve found out how to go about finding the things that have always been there, I don’t ever want to stop looking.

*This may not apply to sailboat situations




I look into my little crystal ball and I think you found the elixir of life….

p.s: I think your labelling system totally ROCKS. I think it might be the bugfix (which might actually worked!) for all of us out here who are still with some feeble version 1.1 of Resolutions’95 or something.

p.p.s: Say, can I discuss a franchise of *that* labelling system?


‘feeble version 1.1 of Resolutions’95’ – ahahahaha! Man, is that ever astute! xo