My Blog

Onwards and upwards….

8.23.2010 | My Blog

Today Robyn officially started her climb. Or so I assume. I haven’t heard from her since yesterday, when I got a very short email (due to strict time constraints) telling me she had arrived at Marangu Hotel in Moshi safely. It didn’t sound like she had all that much fun getting to the hotel at the base of Kilimanjaro, and might have hit a bump in the road or two, but she did arrive there in one piece.

So today she starts seven long days of walking uphill to conquer the tallest mountain in Africa, then spends one day possibly rolling down the other side before we’ll hear from her again. These could be eight of the longest days of my life. Whew.

So one more time, from me and the dogs, and hopefully all of you. At the top of our lungs, all together now: GOOD LUCKY ROBYN!!!!!!




GOOD LUCK ROBYN! Remember, it’s the journedy not the destination, and reaching the summit is the cherry on the whipped cream on the icing on the cake!

Chris, thanks for keeping us updated–good job!



Hmm, left a comment yesterday and it’s not here…technical difficulties?

Anyway, a little late but GOOD LUCK ROBIN!!!


Hmm, left a comment yesterday and it’s not here…technical difficulties?

Anyway, a little late but GOOD LUCK ROBYN!!!


Omigosh – have been away a few days so am glad to get back and catch up on things! Full moons and climbing onwards & upwards! Thanks Chris for the updates. Thanks Robyn for being the magnificent gal that you are – rock on Robyn, rock on …. hmmm …. that should be “climb on, climb on”! WOW – huge thanks also to everyone who’s helped Robyn exceed her fundraising goal & may the money raised continue to climb higher as Robyn does too! That is a real testament to the woman behind the mission! Congrats again Robyn!!