My Blog

Team Kili 2010!

6.07.2010 | My Blog, The Team


I’m so excited! Guess what, guess what?!  WE HAVE A NEW TEAM MEMBER!

So, there’s me, Ali, Christopher and now we have AMANDA to climb this mountain with us, too! She has been to Kili before (last year), but didn’t quite reach the summit, so this year… she’s doing it!  And I’m so proud of her for trying it one more time!

Amanda and I have known each other for about 14 years (holy crap! Really?!), and we’ve built up a really unique friendship along the way. She’s this mondo-smart woman who I greatly admire, and she and I have this great knack to be somewhat entirely opposite, but are able to sit around and talk for hours on end. Not bad, eh?

I’m truly thrilled that Amanda is on Team Kili 2010, and this addition just makes the trip that much better for me.






HoooooooooooooRAY AMANDA!

Ok, so I think this whole trip is some sort of kismet thing…because if you think of it…we’re all tied together somehow in a random fate kinda way.
Amanda is my middle name. Robyn is not only one of my dearest friends but also the name of my Uncle that passed away in December and is the inspiration for this climb and Saint Christopher is the patron saint of safe travel.

Ok, so you’re all tied to ME kismetly…kismetish?…Kismetically?


Holy crap! That’s really cool, Ali – I hadn’t even put any of that together!

That’s both freaky and awesome… IT’S FRAWESOME!


Team Robillsonchrismanda!!!! All connected in the frawesome kismet of life!!! omg…..