The Gift

1.30.2010 | Motivation, Sponsors

Sometimes, I get completely overwhelmed with the generosity that I have been shown from the residents of this wonderful community. Once word started getting out that I was taking on this adventure to Africa, things have been happening that I would never, ever have expected. Things like this…

I was speaking with a fellow resident of Delta recently about my quest, and she seemed really interested, was keenly asking questions and showing genuine excitement. She said that she may not be able to make a monetary donation, but that maybe she could help in another way. I explained that I appreciated any help she could give me, and was grateful for her offer of… well, whatever it was she was offering. Apparently this woman works for a major airline, and so, she offered me this:

Starting in February, I have a ‘Buddy Pass’ to fly (for free) anywhere in the world that this major airline flies (ok, I pay taxes, but that’s a tiny cost considering what a flight costs these days).

I was stunned. Really just knocked off my feet by this amazing show of generosity. She didn’t have to do this, but she did! But, there’s a catch, right? Yes, there is. The one caveat is this: I have to actually use the pass. Take a weekend in Hong Kong, fly to London for a quick shopping trip, go see a concert in LA, use it for training in some way… Training… Training…

What if I flew to Colorado to do some high-altitude hikes? How about skipping down to South America for an entirely new travel experience? What about Hawaii, Mexico, or Cuba? Should I go visit my friends in Japan? Should I fly to Cranbrook, BC and conquer that bloody Fischer Peak once and for all?! (YES. THAT.)

Wait. Does this airline fly to…

…it does. I can fly to Dar es Salaam. I can fly to Nairobi.

With her generous offer, this wonderful woman cut out one of the most expensive parts of my journey. How do I ever thank someone for a gift such as this? For once, I am speechless, except to say this:

THANK YOU, my beautiful friend for this incredible show of generosity and kindness. I promise to do my best to make you proud, and to show my appreciation for such a truly amazing gift. May what you give come back to you many times over, and may you enjoy the same goodness and charity that you give to others.

With gratitude,


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