Posts Tagged ‘Kayaking’

Posts Tagged ‘Kayaking’

Thanks Constable Dales!

4.19.2010 | 4 Comments

Since yesterday was Ali’s birthday, we thought we’d spend it doing something awesome…

We have been fortunate enough to secure a FANTASTIC gift certificate from Kaymaran Adventure Tours (KAT) for the Kili Gala raffle draw, and so I called up KAT owner Tony Dales to check the place out before I raffle the certificate off. That’s right… Tony Dales. Not only the owner of KAT, but he was also the DSS liason officer when I was in high school. I am so glad my truancy was off his radar, or this could have been an awkward reunion.

Anyway… Ali and I were really looking forward to a nice, relaxing paddle on the river. We signed our waiver, got our PFDs, maps, safety gear and a bottle of water, and we were ready to go!

As Tony set up our boats and chatted with us, Ali and I were positively agog with thrills!  Tony said, “now, the Harbour Seals are out right now, so…”

And Ali and I interrupted with, “Awwwww! That’s so cute“, and “Alright! They’re so adorable!”

To which Tony replied, “…did you READ the waiver?”

Apparently Harbour Seals aren’t all that nice to kayak around. Ooops. But hey, at least we knew to keep away from the swans and geese!

And so, we were soon good to go, and were pushed into the water, happy as larks and excited as could be. Now… for those who know me well, you will know that I am inexplicably *terrified* of kayaking. What you are about to see will both shock and amaze you…

That’s right – that’s me HAVING FUN in a kayak! I particularly like the quality of that last photo. Alison sure has en eye, doesn’t she?

It was a gorgeous day. I mean, a totally awesome, still-water, sun-shining, birds-swimming-by, perfect day.We meandered past the houseboats, paddled through the marsh, and got a little lost. I can’t for the life of me understand why! I mean, Ali was guiding us with the map!


Ali and I spent a couple of hours on the water, and could have stayed out far longer… but someone started to talk about sandwiches. Then we both started talking about lunch. And since there isn’t a kayak-up cafe anywhere around, we had to head back in and go to Speed’s Pub.

However… Ali and I will certainly be going back out there soon. Kaymaran Adventure Tours is AWESOME, and I am shocked that I haven’t ever been brave enough to try kayaking like that before. Poor Tony. He’s never going to get rid of us now.
