Posts Tagged ‘Interview’

Posts Tagged ‘Interview’

Let it Be, Let it Be…

6.23.2010 | 3 Comments

I have a job interview today.

It’s a job I’d love to have, but one that I’d be nervous about getting. It’s a lot of responsibility, and although I know I’d handle it just fine… I also know I wouldn’t sleep a wink before my first day of work. Gone are the days of having Mitch McJohnston teach you the ropes at the fry machine – at this stage in my career, I am expected to learn my job on my own, and meld my skill and experience with the job description. I love that.

I’m having a really difficult time being out of work right now. I love to work. I love to be a contributing member of society, and to be working at a job that I enjoy, to allow myself to live well outside of work. When, as a teen, I started working, it was all about making money. Later, it became about liking the job AND making money. I’m now at a stage where I am looking for a challenging and fulfilling job, and working with a team that I respect and can learn from. The office environment is key to me now. If I can’t laugh with my coworkers, and if I can’t trust them… well, that’s not the kind of work environment I want to be in.

Today I am interviewing with people I know and already like, so I’m hoping that will help me be a little more at ease.  Interviews are so difficult! How stressful to sit in a room, across from a panel of professionals who are asking you questions about your career. You’d think that talking about your OWN career would be easy – but I get all flustered. I would feel so much better if I could bribe them with baked goods or something.

Ok, I need to go get ready – wish me luck!

